1.3.1. Shop Wizard
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At the "Shop - Wizard" submenu you can add the in-game products that players will be able to purchase at the game's shop.
At the left menu, click on Shop, then on Wizard and then select the game you wish to configure from the available games.
Once you have selected a game, the Wizard submenus -Countries, Localization, Items, Articles, Shops-Tabs, Prices-, will appear:
You are now at "Countries", section 1 of the Wizard:
Here you must set the countries where the game shop will be available for users. Please note that, by default, users are shown the shop for their access country and are not able to switch to another country's shop.
Click on Check All to make all the countries available, select the preset zones (Africa, Arab States, Europe, North America, Latin America), or make a manual seection of countries one by one by marking the ckeckbox of the country. To deselect a country or zone, click on the "X" button.
Use the zone Unknown zone if you wish to group countries that are not specifically checked above and don't require custom shops, like countries with very little traffic or users, to set up a generic shop for them. In this case, if you receive a visit from a country that hasn't a shop configured, the user will be shown the shop configured as Unknown. If you don't mark the Unknown zone, visitors from not-selected countries will be shown an error and won't be able to buy.
When you finish setting the countries where the shop will be available for users, click on Next button.
You are now at Localization, section 2 of the Wizard:
Here you must set the languages your shop will be available in. A language applies to both the shop's interface and the items sold at the shop. By default, users are shown the shop in the language of their access country; if that language hasn't ben added at the Localization section, the shop will be shown in English.
Click on a language checkbox to select it. Check as many languages as required. As a general good practice to improve conversion, we recommend the following languages when possible: English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Polish, Turkish, and Russian.
When you finish setting the countries where the shop will be available for users, click on Next button.
You are now at Items, section 3 of the Wizard:
Although not applied at the shop yet, here you can create categories or filters to categorize you items in order to ease user's navigation and searching of items at the shop. Categories are strongly recommended if your shop is going to feature a high amount of items. The default category is General, but you can create as many categories as needed.
At the category form, insert the name of the category at the Name field. Fields Title and Tooltip are not used at this moment. You can add an image to the category with a 58x58 px size and maxium 100 Kb.
Here you create the items you wish to sell at the game's shop: virtual currency, objects, etc.
Click on Add Item to create a new item. The Create or Edit Item pop-up window will appear:
Public name of the item at the shop, that appears complete on mouse over. Item name can contain a quantity set by a string or use the variable {[{number}]}. If using the variable, it is set at "Articles", the next wizard section.
Example 1: "100 Coins"
Example 2: "{[{number}]} Coins", where number "100" is set as quantity at Articles
Description can contain a quantity set by a string or use the variable {[{number}]} set at Articles. Recommended <80 characters.
Unique identifier for your item that your game and the IDC Panel share together. Can be alphanumeric. Upon user completing a purchase, we will make a call to the game callback to notify what to deliver to buyer. It will be sent in the payment notification as 'gameItemId' for an easy mapping at your DB.
Example: For "3 Coins" item, gameItemId can be "COIN". Upon a user buying this item, the panel will notify game that "3 COIN" has been purchased for the price set at the Price field bellow.
Select Normal. Pack and GachaBox" coming soon.
Country drop list: choose the country that will serve as base country and currency for automatic conversions of the item's price into other currrencies.
Unitary Price field: at the imput field with "0" default value, insert the item's unitary end user price.
Here you can set the categories the item belongs to. The default filter or category is "General", but an item can belong to more than one. To insert a category, click on it and it will be inserted at the field as a tag.
Mandatory public image for the item that will appear at the shop under name and description. Recommended size 123x123 px and maximum 100 Kb.
When you finish adding items, click on the Next button.
You are now at "Articles", section 4 of the Wizard:
Here you can create articles. Articles are composed of more than one quantity of an item or by several items, for example: 100 coins with extra 20 coins as a gift, 2 objects, coins and an object, XP and coins, etc.
To create an article for an item, click on the Edit button at the right of the item list.
Now you are at the Add articles amount for pop-up window. Click on the Add button to add as many amounts of the item to the article as needed. Adding amounts creates a row with the following fields:
Set the amount of item here.
Set the public name of the article at the shop for user to see and purchase.
Set the price for the number of items included in the article. Discount is automatically calculated.
Select this option when the article is purchased by a single payment.
Select this option when the article is free of charge.
By clicking on this button, 3 other buttons are diplayed: Save, Configure (cog image) and Close. By clicking on the cog image, a new pop-up window is opened with the following fields:
Override name. Insert translations with the short descriptive text that will appear at the shop for user to understand what the article is about at a glance.
Override description. Insert translations with the text that will appear at the shop for user to understand exactly what the article contains.
Override description short (Deprecated).
Limit per client. If you wish to limit the number of units of articles that a single user can purchase, insert the number here.
Limit per client and per period of time. If you wish to limit the number of units of articles that a single user can purchase and limit the purchase to a promotional period of time, insert the number of purchases per number of hours here.
Total limit. If you wish to limit the total number of units of articles that users can buy, insert the number here.
Override image. If you wish the article to have a different image from the image set at the item, insert here. Recommended size 123x123 px and maximum 100 Kb.
Extra articles. If you wish to give another item free, select it from this drop list.
Game Article ID. Unique article id for the payment provider, IDC panel and developer to share and call within this article's transaction.
Date From and Date to. If you wish to limit the general availability of the article to a period of time, insert the two dates here. For example, for a Christmas promotion, from 2020-12-21 00:00 to 2020-12-26 23:59.
For example, we have created 2 articles for the item XP; first article, with the amount of 50 units at face price, second article, with 100 units with a 20% discount, and a third article with 200 XP and 50 Coins as a gift that has displayed the action options (save, configure, close):
For example, this is the configuration window to set the article 200 XP and 50 Coins as a gift, upon clicking on the Cog icon or button:
You are now at "Shops and Tabs", section 5 of the Wizard:
Here you can create tabs for you shop to feature different tabs and articles per tab, to ease navigation and article discoverability when the shop features a high amount of articles.
Every shop has by default 3 preset versions tht take into account the user's level to show relevant articles that match user's expertise: Rookie, Medium, and Expert:
You can assign the tabs that you wish to every preset shop. If you don't wish the presets to apply, deselect 2 of the 3 shops available and leave just one checked and make sure Game Level To is correctly set for the remaining shop.
Set the basic shop by target info:
Game level From. This field is updated automatically as per Game Level To field.
Game level To. Insert the number of level up to which the shop is intended for.
Design. Choose a colour theme from the drop list of designs.
To create a new tab for your shop, click on the Add new tab button at "Tabs Available" form and insert as many tabs as needed, for example General, Coins, XP, Weapons, etc.
Insert a short internal descriptive name for the tab. This field is for internal use.
Insert a short public descriptive name for the tab. This field is public and users will see it at the shop.
Insert a short public descriptive name for the tab. This field is public and users will see it at the shop.
Not in use at the moment.
Insert an image for the tab. Recommended 58x58 px maximum 100Kb size.
You are now at "Prices", section 6 of the Wizard:
Here you can set manually the price of items for any given country whenever you don't wish the automatic currency conversion to be in force. Changing prices manually avoid user's beign presented with amounts that show many decimals, or amounts that don't attract sales. For example, use this feature to implement charm pricing — prices that end in 9, 99, or 95: 0.99€ instead of automatic 1€, 0.99€ instead of 0.94€, 1.45€ instead of 1.43€, etc.
Please take into account that changing prices in this section overrides any other unit price for items and articles that has been set up in previous sections.
To deploy prices that take into account the cost of living of all the countries where the shop is available, check the "Cost of living" variable at the green area.
To deploy prices that take into account charm pricing policies to all the countries where the shop is available, check the "Charm price" vaiable at the green area.
To deploy pricing on a country basis, select the country from the list of countries, and then insert the prices manually for each item at the form below: