General Pages


General home page, click to see example.

The home page features the following sections:

  • Slider with featured games

  • Last played with the last games the user has played

  • Recommended with a game recommendation based on user's behaviour

  • Featured games assorted recent and featured games with thumbnails and basic info

Left menu

Main navigation menu, click to see example.

The left menu features the following sections:

  • Games with sections "Featured", "New releases", and main online games categories

  • Community with sections "News", "Media", "Guides", "Forums", "IDC Plays", "Support", "FAQ".

  • Account with sections "My account" and "My games".

Game related pages accesible at the left menu:

  • Featured games page page with promoted games:

  • New releases page page with the lastest game releases:

  • Category page: one page per main online game category featured at the left menu (action games, strategy games, MMO, RPG, shooters, sports games, etc.):

News page

General news page with the latest information about the games published at the platform, accesible at the left menu.

The news page features the following sections:

  • eSports with information about the upcoming eSport tournaments and leagues from the games published at the platform.

  • In-game events with information about in-game events from the games published at the platform (limited time events, themed characters, limited-time challenges, tournaments, etc.).

  • Promotions seasonal promotions, limited time discounts, etc.

  • Patch notes with information about miscellaneous updates from the games published at the platform.

  • Support real time information about the state of general technical issues at the platform or published games.

Last updated