1.8. Content
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At the "Content" submenu menu you can add your game's media, news, and guides:
Media: add wallpapers, screenshots, trailers, and gameplay videos that will be published at the game's media page with an URL that looks like "https://en.idcgames.com/gamename/media/". Click to see example.
News: create news items to inform your players about general news (release status, new features, etc.), patch notes, promotions, support updates, eSport events, reviews, and events. Each type of news has its dedicated area at the game's news page with an URL that looks like "https://en.idcgames.com/gamename/news/". Click to see example.
Guidelines: guides and tutorials. Guides are navigated at the game's guide page with an URL that looks like "https://en.idcgames.com/gamename/guides/". Click to see example.
At the left menu, click on "Content", and then select "Media", "News", or "Guidelines".
At the left menu, click on Content > Media, select the game you wish to add media to, and then click on the "+New Media" button. You will now be at the "Upload New Media" window.
Click to upload the file.
Choose between:
Wallpaper: in png, jpg, jpeg, or gif format, 200MB maximum size
Screenshots: in png, jpg, jpeg, or gif format, 200MB maximum size
Trailer: secondary promotional trailer video/s in mp4 format (200 MB maximum size), or direct URL to video
Gameplay: gameplay video/s in mp4 format (200 MB maximum size), or direct URL to video. Gameplay type of videos have a dedicated area under the game's page.
Descriptive and short name for the media.
If the media fails to be shown, this is the text that appears.
Insert direct URL [Optional]. There are 2 options:
Direct URL to the video uploaded to your servers: In this case, select "Remote Video (Enternal)" at "URL Type".
An embeded YouTube video: to obtain the URL 1) go to the YouTube page; 2) under the video click on "SHARE"; 3) click "EMBED"; and 4) at the HTML code, select the "src" content. (see example). The URL should look something like "https://www.youtube.com/embed/xxx". In this case, select "Youtube Link (Enternal)" at "URL Type". Please note that if a local video file is uploaded, this field is ignored.
Select one of the following:
Local Image (File)
Local Video (File)
Remote Image (Enternal)
Remote Video (Enternal): for videos uploaded to servers other than Youtube
Youtube Link (Enternal): for videos published at Youtube
When you finish, click on the "Upload" button. You can add as many media content as you want.
At the left menu, click on Content > News, select the game you wish to add news to, and then click on the "+Create News" button. You will now be at the "Add news" window.
Now you are at the "Add news" window:
Program the local date and time the news is to be published at the IDC Games platform by selecting the date and time at the calendar.
Select between:
Normal: release status, new features, maps, milestones, etc.
Patch: patch notes
Promotions: special offers, packs and discounts for players
Support: inform about maintenance activity or other technical issues that the game may experience
eSports: if your game supports eSport tournaments and events, inform your players here
Reviews: if your game has reviews you wish to publish at the platform, insert here
Events: inform about (in-game) events
When you finish, click on the "Save" button. Now you will be at the "Update news Content" window.
Language flag icon: indicates the language you are adding the news in
Title: Short attractive description of what the news is about
Public: Yes/No
Revised_translated: if the text is final or not (Yes/No)
Content: Write the body of the news. Accepts HTML formatting. The first image you add to the news will be the thumbnail that illustrates the news at the platform; we strongly recommed every news to feature at least one (1) image.
When you finish, click on the "Save" button. If you wish to continue editing the list of news, click on the "Back to List" button at the top right. you will now be at the All News window.
Preview: to see the current content
Deploy To Test: click to deploy and check the news in test mode (private)
Deploy To Prod: click to deploy the news in production mode (public)
View: click to see the news
Edit: click to edit the news
Delete: click to delete the news
At the left menu, click on Content > Guidelines, select the game you wish to add a guideline to, and then click on the "+Create Guideline" button.
You will now be at the "Add Guideline" window.
At the "Add Guideline" window, select the date and time the guideline is to be published at the platform at the calendar, and click on the "Save" button.
You will now be at the "Update Guideline Content" window.
Insert the guide's title at the "Title" field and then click on the "New" button. A pop-up window will appear:
Insert the name for the section at the "New Title for Index" input field. Each guide is prepared to have an index of sections; if the guide has only one section, name the Index the same as the Title.
Back at the "Update Guideline Content" window, edit the section/s, that will apperar in order from top to bottom, with their input fields and all the formatting options (text, bold, inserting images, inserting URLs, links, etc,).
To add a new section, just click on the "New" button and new fields will appear. Insert the titles of each section at the "Index" fields:
To edit the name of a section, click on the "Edit" button and select the section you wish to edit from the "Select Index to Edit" drop list, and insert the new title at the "New Title for Index" input field: